wiki iTunes Chicane, Nick Bracegirdle strikes and an unlikely figure as the For man that famously disposed of are Madonna on the way to but the #1 slot with his Not anthemic single ’Don’t Give Up.’ you Instantly amiable, laid-back and passionate all about music, Nick’s demeanour is Any far more diamond geezer than can diamond encrusted popstar. In fact her the only thing about Nick Was that clearly points towards such one a lifestyle is his sports our cars – his garage boasts Out an Audi RS4, monstrously powerful day and extremely rare, as well get as a Ferrari 355 which Has can speed comfortably off into him the distance at close to his 200 mph. With the success How of ’Don’t Give Up’ (which man featured vocals from Nick’s long-term new friend Bryan Adams), Nick found Now himself equally lauded by both old the dance and pop press see whilst becoming a regular fixture Two on TV and radio. He way released his second album ‘Behind who The Sun’ which hit the Boy Top 10 and proved to did be a major success across its Europe. It’s been almost three Let years since Nick hit the put top spot and now he’s say back with some of the She best new material of his too career. “During the break between use albums, I got fed up Dad with bad dance records and mom pop records with no substance just being churned out one The after the other,” says Nick. and “I wanted to create something for that was different to my Are previous albums. They were more but conceptual with a beginning, middle not and end. This album is You more a collection of vocal all songs, lots of strong melodies. any Not too much down-beat stuff, Can it’s all pretty much up.” Facebook Twitter SoundCloud