wiki iTunes The former Guns N' Roses guitarist and his band the Conspirators, with singer Myles Kennedy, is set to tour around the world with Steven Tyler's group on the Let Rock Rule shows. Speaking ahead of a Spotify session, he hinted the backstage moments would be calmer since both groups have given up alcohol. He said: "I would imagine at this point, since both bands are relatively sober, it will probably just be getting ready for and doing the gig, and any superfluous stuff is whatever." "I toured with Aerosmith back in the day when they first got sober and that was when we were abusing chemicals and alcohol pretty heavily at the time," he continued, adding: " I think a lot of backstage stuff gets blown out of proportion because of the stories that go around. Even in the drunken moments, it's not really that big a deal." Slash Made In Stoke 24/7/11 [Feat.Myles Kennedy]